Building A Safety Culture

When defining the Core Values that guide our company culture, Safety First was agreed to be our most important and prominent value. This value outlines our commitment to the wellbeing of our employees, the environment we operate in, and our customers and the wider chemical logistics industry. We believe safety to be so crucial to our culture that it even features on our company strapline: “Delivering Life’s Essentials Safely”.


Recognition and rewards for proactive safe behaviours are a large part of our safety culture. A great example of this is our ‘Near Miss of the Month’ scheme, which encourages all staff to report potential incidents or unsafe behaviours which are then reviewed, corrective actions made and monitored. Each month a high-level Safety Committee made up of members from the leadership team reviews the Near Miss Reports and rewards one from each region with a £50 voucher.


We will never rest on our laurels when it comes to safety. Our safety culture is a continuous improvement process; we regularly review our safety policies and procedures which are cascaded internally via mandatory reads on our intranet site, as well as in safety briefings and updates. We welcome feedback from our employees, and make improvements whenever we can.


The safety culture we have built internally also extends to our third-party logistics suppliers too, we only work with suppliers who are as committed to safety and wellbeing as we are. We regularly conduct audits and inspections on all our suppliers to ensure they are operating at the same high standards for safety that we hold ourselves to.


Building a strong safety culture takes time, effort, and commitment from all levels of our organisation.  We are continually working to build our safety culture in order to minimise risk and hazards to our team, the environment we work in, and our customers’ products.



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