
Discover firsthand experiences from our dedicated team members who bring their passion, expertise, and unique perspectives to every aspect of our operations. From our supportive work environment to the exciting challenges we tackle daily, our team members share their insights, highlighting what makes Suttons International a dynamic and rewarding place to work. Explore their stories and get a glimpse into the vibrant culture that defines us at Suttons International.

Working at Suttons International feels like being part of one big team, transcending departments and office locations. Teamwork isn’t just a core value; it’s a way of life here. In the ever-changing logistics world, having a supportive team is crucial, and at Suttons, I’m grateful to have colleagues who always have my back.

In my day-to-day routine, I start by going through emails, setting the tone for the day. As part of the U.S. team, we’re the last to log in, and our mornings are dedicated to providing import costs promptly. The majority of our day is spent addressing customer and operator requests. Any downtime is utilized for collaborative projects and process improvements, ensuring our work is as efficient as possible.

I’ve been with Suttons for 2 years, and during this time, I’ve witnessed the power of teamwork in navigating the challenges of the logistics world. Outside of work, my fiancé and I share our home with our dog, Reina, who truly rules the roost. We love taking her everywhere, especially to the beach, where she enjoys digging in the sand and splashing in the water. My passion for travel has taken me to incredible places like Bali, Guatemala, and Sydney, Australia. In the winter, I indulge in my love for snowboarding in the North East USA. Suttons not only provides a fulfilling professional environment but also allows me the flexibility to pursue my interests and create lasting memories.

Working at Suttons International is like being part of a collaborative and empowering environment. It’s not about feeling like a small fish in a big pond; here, my opinions are not only heard but respected. The best part is the freedom from micromanagement, allowing me to execute my responsibilities with trust and autonomy.

My day-to-day is far from boring. I engage with suppliers, the sales team, and operations on a daily basis. The dynamic nature of the job means there’s always something new to learn, contributing to personal and professional growth. While it can be challenging, these experiences are instrumental in our continuous improvement, ensuring we’re better equipped for the future.

I proudly mark my 5th year with Suttons, a testament to the fulfilling and supportive work environment they provide. Outside of work, I balance the excitement with a bit of downtime. As a self-professed homebody, I spend weekends binge-watching series until I regret it the next day. I also enjoy a leisurely walk in the park, occasional hikes, and cycling to stay fit. Suttons not only offers an engaging professional life but also allows me the flexibility to pursue a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Joining Suttons International straight from school at 16, I’ve witnessed its growth and evolution over my 27-year journey. Working in the M&R/Technical Services teams of this family business has been a joy, offering both flexibility (working from home) and the richness of face-to-face interactions during travels and meetings.

My daily routine involves managing emails, participating in team meetings, and addressing technical queries. Engaging with suppliers, operations, and sales teams adds variety to each day, filled with calls and meetings.

In my diverse roles spanning from apprentice to the current position as Technical Services Manager for the UK & EU, I’ve dedicated myself to Suttons’ growth.

Beyond work, I’m a dad to my daughters, Poppy and Freya. Daily walks with my dog Dixie and occasional gym sessions keep me active. Collecting and repairing watches, supporting Everton, cooking, socializing, and enjoying cultural interests like northern soul and documentaries add fulfilment to my life. Suttons not only fosters professional growth but also provides the flexibility to lead a balanced and engaging personal life.

Working at Suttons International has provided me with the opportunity to delve into two intriguing departments within the workshop – liquid and gas. Both areas come with their unique challenges, making the work enjoyable. Suttons fosters an environment of continuous learning, offering extensive training, courses, and the chance to collaborate with knowledgeable colleagues, allowing for constant improvement in my knowledge within the field.

My day-to-day life at Suttons is marked by constant change, and no two days are the same due to the varied workload in the workshop. The tasks undertaken depend on the specific needs of our customers, adding a dynamic element to my work routine.

I’ve been a part of Suttons International for the past 3 years. During this time, I’ve had the privilege of completing the HNC (Higher National Certificate) in mechanical engineering and am currently working towards the HND (Higher National Diploma).

Beyond work, my interests include exploring new countries and cultures through holidays, socializing with family and friends, hitting the gym (despite appearances!), watching boxing and UFC, and indulging in some gaming on my console. Suttons International not only provides a platform for professional growth but also accommodates a diverse range of personal interests.

Working at Suttons International has been an enriching experience. Despite continuous growth and the company’s pursuit of becoming a top tank container operator globally, it maintains an inclusive and supportive workplace culture. The emphasis on improvement aligns with a commitment to a good work-life balance, making it an ideal place to work.

In my day-to-day responsibilities, I begin by approving products for transport in our tanks, ensuring strict adherence to safety and compliance standards. I also provide guidance on maintenance and repair issues arising during the daily operation of the tanks.

My journey with Suttons spans an impressive 31 years. Starting as an apprentice electrician, I later travelled worldwide for installations and repairs to electrically heated tanks. Alongside my electrical role, I took on the position of Health & Safety Coordinator in the workshops, organizing safety courses and conducting confined space rescue drills. Most recently, I assumed the role of Product Manager, where I approve chemicals for transport in UN portable tanks, ensuring strict compliance with transport guidelines.

Beyond work, I stay active by playing 5-a-side football, attempting to maintain fitness. I also coach a local under 9’s football team and contribute to a goalkeeping school. Away from football, I indulge in reading biographies and enjoy hiking in the Lake District or North Wales. Suttons International not only provides a fulfilling professional journey but also allows me to pursue a range of interests outside of work.

Working at Suttons International is a joy for me due to the family atmosphere, approachable colleagues, and strong support from both peers and management. The flexibility of a good work-life balance, including the option to work from home, adds to the positive work experience.

In my day-to-day role, I coordinate tasks within our team, creating bills of lading for customers, submitting shipping instructions, and managing vehicle goods maintenance (VGM) with shipping lines. I also handle communication with shipping lines, agents, and customers to address and prevent issues, offering support to the team as needed. Invoices are processed, and collaboration with the supervisor and team is constant to enhance our daily operations through manual updates and creation.

Having been with Suttons for 2 years, I initially joined as a Documentation Operator and was later promoted to Documentation Team Leader after a year.

Outside of work, I balance my life with a routine of running three times a week for mental clarity. I enjoy long walks in the woods with our Yorkshire Terrier, Olli, and cherish family travels to Italy with my husband and two daughters to embrace the “La Dolce Vita” lifestyle. Suttons International not only provides a fulfilling professional experience but also allows me the flexibility to enjoy a well-rounded personal life.

Working at Suttons International is a source of pride for me, emphasizing teamwork and mutual support within our team.

In my average workday, I handle tasks such as clearing exceptions, checking emails, and ensuring accurate movement dates in the system. From responding to customer inquiries to coordinating shipping instructions and payments, my mornings are bustling with activity. Post-lunch, I focus on issuing final bills of lading, approving tank preparation estimates, and forwarding master bills of lading to the port of destination operator.

In my 2 years at Suttons, the role has been challenging yet fulfilling, allowing me to constantly learn and acquire new skills. Outside of work, my passion for Kpop adds a fun and refreshing element to my life, preparing me for the next workday. Suttons not only fosters professional growth but also accommodates personal interests, creating a well-rounded work experience.